# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-03-29 [Lust]: But its good enough for me.. And.. How many babys do we need around here? *blinks* O.O
2006-03-29 [Frosty French Fry]: I love giving blood....but the nurse has never let me do it myself...it aggravates me
2006-03-29 [Lust]: Ha ha! BAD! *hiss* keep dacings! *steps on his foot meaning to* O.o...
2006-03-29 [Blinded Seraphim]: i like giving blood cause i get a snack afterwards :P
2006-03-29 [Voice of the Voiceless]: We get money XD $50
2006-03-29 [Blinded Seraphim]: i dont, i just wait for a blood drive to come close to where i live then i drive out there (and before anyone asks me no it doesnt hurt and no i dont get dizzy)
2006-03-29 [Voice of the Voiceless]: neither do i
2006-03-29 [Lust]: I havnt gaven blood... I always seem to get into acidents and stuff if I do anything like that
2006-03-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: i dont get why people dont give blood though, giving the blood isnt even that painful...the iron test smarts a bit but not that badly
2006-03-30 [Lust]: Heh... Probaly because they are HIV infected.. (snickers)
2006-03-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: eh, their all chickenshits
2006-03-30 [Lust]: Heh! I like my idea better
2006-03-31 [The Darkness of your soul]: hi
2006-04-05 [W!ld KAT]: i didnt get dizzy or anything, and it didnt hurt at all
2006-04-05 [Invader Havoc]: I have been actively trying to let them let me donate since I was 10... not old enough my ass... I am doing it on my 17th birthday (JULY SIXTH!) though
2006-04-05 [Blinded Seraphim]: yeah that would be the minimum age for it
2006-04-05 [Kaze]: I'm waiting for someone to physically be in front of me, and ASK me to donate blood, at which point I'll turn them down the same number of times that they turned me down, when I went out of my way to attempt to give them blood. If they're ever "closed" for donations, I say they really must not of needed it to begin with.
2006-04-05 [W!ld KAT]: i'm sorry kaze, but that's kool, so what's up in the mafia?
2006-04-05 [Lust]: The mafia is practicly dead.
2006-04-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: I would go on a mission, but we have to have a partner. If i was to go on a spy mission another partner would just be trouble to drag around. ...Damn rules
2006-04-05 [Lust]: Go ahead, fuck the rules. Have fun, I mean.. No one else wants to bother, enjoy yourself =)
2006-04-05 [Kaze]: Yay! *stabs a whore* *blink blink* Why am I holding a knife in my thigh..? v__v;;;
2006-04-05 [Lust]: Dun no
2006-04-06 [Deadly Pacifist]: *sits in tree*
2006-04-06 [W!ld KAT]: *knocks nick out of tree with mind powers* O.O
2006-04-06 [Voice of the Voiceless]: FUCK YES!!!!!TY!
2006-04-06 [Lust]: =) Go wild
2006-04-06 [Kaze]: *exposes his own boobs*
2006-04-06 [Voice of the Voiceless]: <--says :cover yourself.
2006-04-06 [Kaze]: v__v *trench-coats*
2006-04-06 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD
2006-04-06 [Deadly Pacifist]: *climbs back up tree*... now texas... let me sit
2006-04-06 [Lust]: O.O Boob...?!
2006-04-07 [Deadly Pacifist]: *looks around*... where?
2006-04-07 [W!ld KAT]: ok nicky, *joins him in tree*
2006-04-07 [Lust]: *points at Kaze..* o.O
2006-04-07 [Deadly Pacifist]: *looks at texas*.... you could of joined me last time... but NOOOO gotta hit me down :P
2006-04-07 [Lust]: Anyone wanna kill [PVT Pergament] he threatned to kill me
2006-04-07 [Blinded Seraphim]: assasination isnt my department, id be willing to supply though
2006-04-07 [W!ld KAT]: i'll do it, what can you get me forge? *looks at nick* it was funny, but then i was tired, so i joined you
2006-04-07 [Blinded Seraphim]: I can get you anything ya need
2006-04-07 [Kaze]: It was probably because Cailie told him to.
2006-04-07 [Kaze]: You know who I'm talking about.
2006-04-07 [Lust]: Huh?
2006-04-07 [Kaze]: cAILIE.
2006-04-08 [Lust]: Ohh yeah. I know it was....! I mean, she starts fights with me, crys to him, and now he is saying bullshit about me... *sigh* And I want him dead.
2006-04-08 [Crozzy]: Hello Everyone!
2006-04-08 [Lust]: new member finally =)
2006-04-08 [*sexy_lez*]: my i join?
2006-04-08 [Crozzy]: Thanks for the info and Help Lynney!
2006-04-08 [Voice of the Voiceless]: um........ she's been helped, shes already back XD
2006-04-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: I think he means help her stay.
2006-04-08 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD ook then my bad, at first it didn't sound right, ya know what i mean?
2006-04-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Yeah...
2006-04-08 [Lust]: O.o... Weirdo
2006-04-08 [Lust]: [W!ld KAT] when you are on [Crozzy] is one of your assassins, you know what to do eh? (I ish to lazy to PM)
2006-04-09 [W!ld KAT]: aiight, i got it lynn
2006-04-09 [Lust]: =) Good girl
2006-04-09 [W!ld KAT]: *big ole texas smile* thanx, so what's up yall?
2006-04-09 [Dead Girl]: -dances with spiderweb pole-
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: *cleans knives*
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: *stares*
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: *looks up at nick* can i help you?
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: *stares and slowly eats a scone*....idk.
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: idk, what ails you?
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: *stares and sniffs*... i hav ea cold GAY *continues to eat scone*... wut ails you?
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: allergies,...b
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: im glad im not allergic to anything O_O.... but... BUT.... *drinks some milk*... i do like sleep
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: me too,....
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: sleep is.... like SOOOOOO awesome... its like the bestest... almost as good as sex :|
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: almost,...not quite,...
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: ....that is true... BUT.... sleep doesnt hurt anyone... and its just as fun to do alone as with someone
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: well,...yeah, i guess you're right
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: MUHAHA and sleep doesnt sometimes lead to death... and money problems
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: lol, that's true too, *looks up and down* you dont have any diseases do you? *scoots away slowly and inconspicuousl
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: *stares*.... no... i have no dieases...im a clean person
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: ok! *scoots back towards* so what's up?
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: not much... sa ying bye to you on msn :P
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: lol, night hunni
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: night night
2006-04-10 [Crozzy]: Anyone in?
2006-04-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: ooooooooh i love the fishes cause there so delicious, gone goldfishin'
2006-04-10 [Lust]: I hate fishing!
2006-04-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: i used to like fishing...when i was little me and my dad tried fishing with hot dogs! (didnt work...)
2006-04-10 [Lust]: LMAO!! That would be funneh!
2006-04-10 [W!ld KAT]: corn worx the best, but its illegal in tx,....
2006-04-10 [Lust]: Err o.O
2006-04-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: corn is illegal in tx? i never knew that
2006-04-10 [Kaze]: Me neither.. and.. I live here o__o
2006-04-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: XD texas ppl are cool
2006-04-10 [Voice of the Voiceless]: you would say that cus your a farm boy anton XD
2006-04-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: i aint no farmer, but i am country. and call me farmboy again and ill bury you in the corn field XD
2006-04-10 [Kaze]: Hey, that better not be a texas corn field... *pitchfork!*
2006-04-10 [Voice of the Voiceless]: CORNBOY! LMFAO! XD
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: why not an iowa corn field :|
2006-04-10 [Kaze]: Because they're not as illegal.
2006-04-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: LOL iowa sucks.... dont go there :|...
2006-04-10 [Lust]: You strango's!
2006-04-11 [Blinded Seraphim]: O.O IM FROM IOWA BONEHEAD!
2006-04-11 [Deadly Pacifist]: LOL im sry... my dad everytime he goes there... gets a ticket
2006-04-11 [Lust]: LMAO!
2006-04-11 [W!ld KAT]: ahh!! corns not illegal, just fishin with it, now rebel flags are fixin to be illegal,...
2006-04-11 [Lust]: o.O
2006-04-11 [W!ld KAT]: yupperz, but i aint takin mine off unless they buy me a new vehicle,...
2006-04-11 [Lust]: O.o
2006-04-11 [W!ld KAT]: so what's up hunni?
2006-04-11 [Deadly Pacifist]: ... in cali skools u cant wear an iron cross.. or anyhting that is an outline of a naked women
2006-04-11 [W!ld KAT]: i'm sorry, man, yall are so deprived,...
2006-04-11 [Deadly Pacifist]: lol i dont live in cali... i have family there that told me about it
2006-04-11 [W!ld KAT]: ah, gotcha
2006-04-11 [Deadly Pacifist]: shyeah... suckyL|
2006-04-11 [W!ld KAT]: *stands there naked* so what else's up?
2006-04-11 [Lust]: Buh haha
2006-04-11 [Deadly Pacifist]: *stares*... wut?
2006-04-11 [Kaze]: *steals angel's clothes from Lynn* Whee! Clothes! *scurries*
2006-04-11 [Lust]: O.o... ha ha
2006-04-11 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *pokes out from behind a rock and shoots at [Kaze] with a battle rifle, and throws a plasma grenade at him.
2006-04-11 [Kaze]: Ow, my foot..... ow, my foot.... ow, my foot... *hops on one foot* Hey... is there something on my head.....? <.<;;;
2006-04-11 [Lust]: *tackles Kaze and rapes him* Behave! Or i'll rape you more!
2006-04-11 [Kaze]: Careful, I think I'm explosive.
2006-04-11 [Lust]: Err... Throw the bomb away!
2006-04-11 [Deadly Pacifist]: awww dont wanna use the pp?
2006-04-11 [Lust]: huh
2006-04-11 [Bran the Blessed]: Sup all. Looks like i came in at the wrong part
2006-04-11 [Soft as Bone]: wow...i think i did too...i didn;t really read it all...just something about 'throw the bomb away'...???
2006-04-11 [Lust]: O.o ANYWAYS!
2006-04-12 [Soft as Bone]: wait, what about the bombs?!?! i like bombs! they explode and make pritty fire!!
2006-04-12 [Lust]: I ate it and my stumach acid broke it o.O
2006-04-12 [Soft as Bone]: ooo. that sounds a little uncomfortable.
2006-04-12 [Lust]: It is all good now!
2006-04-12 [W!ld KAT]: woo-hoo i'm fighting w/my bf,...
2006-04-12 [Deadly Pacifist]: thas alwasys exciting :|
2006-04-12 [Lust]: Awww
2006-04-12 [Dead Girl]: -dances with spiderweb pole- im engaged now =D
2006-04-12 [Bran the Blessed]: gratz.
2006-04-12 [Dead Girl]: thanks =D
2006-04-13 [Soft as Bone]: yeah, congragulation
2006-04-13 [Dead Girl]: huh?
2006-04-14 [W!ld KAT]: i guess so, so what's up ppl? congrats dead girl
2006-04-14 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Clintons got a big nose XD
2006-04-14 [W!ld KAT]: ommfg
2006-04-14 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD LMFAO!!!!!!!
2006-04-14 [W!ld KAT]: rawr
2006-04-14 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *busts a gut from laughing*
2006-04-14 [W!ld KAT]: that's crazy,...
2006-04-14 [Dead Girl]: thansk texas
2006-04-14 [Dead Girl]: omfg!! lmfao!!
2006-04-15 [W!ld KAT]: you're welcome hunni i need some lotion!
2006-04-17 [Kaze]: You know what's a funny country? Guam.
2006-04-17 [W!ld KAT]: guam!! *busts out laughing* that's great,....guam
2006-04-17 [Kaze]: C'mon... everyone, say it.. say it! Gua- *assasinated*
2006-04-17 [Lust]: O.o.. Huh?
2006-04-17 [Deadly Pacifist]: *pokes kazes dead body*...hey...
2006-04-17 [Lust]: I think I was just ignored
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: ...it is possible
2006-04-18 [W!ld KAT]: no, i heard you
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: when?
2006-04-18 [Lust]: It is possoble to have your coments deleted as well ^-^
2006-04-18 [Lust]: And thank you Angel
2006-04-18 [W!ld KAT]: everytime
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: that is possible as well :P
2006-04-18 [Lust]: And it is possible for you to behave.. o.O No?
2006-04-18 [W!ld KAT]: no
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: ....that is probable.... but will it happen *thinks*... possibly :P... yes :P
2006-04-18 [W!ld KAT]: lol, rawr!!
2006-04-18 [W!ld KAT]: aint he cute???
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: sure...i love text O_O
2006-04-18 [W!ld KAT]: lol, crazi
2006-04-18 [Lust]: O.o... AWWWWWWWW!!
2006-04-18 [W!ld KAT]: i know!!
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: *still only says text*.... im out ladies good night *dies*
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: IT LOOKS JUST LIKE MY CAT!!! *gasps* my cats name is cowboy
2006-04-18 [W!ld KAT]: bye nicky!! aww, thats cute!
2006-04-18 [Lust]: O.o... My Princess is still cuter!
2006-04-18 [W!ld KAT]: yesh, that she is,...
2006-04-18 [Lust]: ^-^ He he
2006-04-18 [Jino]: HAHAHA!!! PUSSSYYYYY!!! WEEE!!!! ::pets::
2006-04-18 [Lust]: O.o.. Oi
2006-04-18 [Jino]: ^_^
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: ITS GONNA EAT ME!
2006-04-18 [Lust]: Where?
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: DEMON FROG KITTY!
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Hey that looks ljust liek my cat when it was about a 2 weeks old. XD
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: that looks like my bag of fuyuns... o wait... sry im looking at my bag of funyuns
2006-04-18 [Lust]: O.o
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: o.o doritos are better
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: CHEETOS RULE YOU ALL! MWAHAHAHAHA!
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: that is a lie full metal... a str8 up lie O_O
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: O_O Your full of it! XD Cool ranch doritos are better !
2006-04-18 [Lust]: lmao
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: OK cool ranch is good :D...but funyuns RULE....
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: CHEETOS CHEETOS CHEETOS!
2006-04-18 [Lust]: I'm hungry
2006-04-18 [Lust]: o.O
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: ....FUNYUNS...
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: CHEETOS DAMNIT! XD
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